A warm dinner table for all

Ramadhan is marked by the festivity of the tables all across the world whereby those fasting experience a full day in hunger and third get to feast by the evening on food and water with their fellow community members, families and extended circle of friends and even those friends and colleagues who don't observe fasting during Ramadhan. 

The virtue of Ramadhan is to be grateful for the food and water and to show that gratitude by sharing what you can with others. Especially the needy and underprivileged. 

Every household dreams of a warm meal on the table every evening at the very least. These are the standards of Ramadhan. 

When a family cannot afford to put warm food on the table, especially during Ramadhan; hardship is furthermore established, for a family going through the practice of observing Ramadhan for fulfilling their religious and spiritual duties; hunger strikes more.

A small donation can help sort that out for those families during Ramadhan. The number of donors participating each with what they can afford to donate will change the situation for many families. Even if we can't change their status to rich, we can make sure that they will spend their Ramadhan without constant hunger. 

Our relief efforts for this year are to help those underprivileged families and orphaned children who live in poverty. Let's also remember the big earthquakes that happened in the middle east leaving hundreds of thousands without a home. Some even haven't even got access to proper shelter or water. 

Ramadhan teaches us to be mindful about others and feel their hunger and trouble while we experience it first-hand. Let us practice those feelings of mindfullnes and turn our care and thoughts into actions through our generous donations. Please visit our donate page to contribute this Ramadhan as we actively prepare food parcels and distribute them in the world's poorest areas.